
What is a telephone survey (CATI)?

A telephone survey, also known as CATI or computer-assisted telephonic interview, is a research method where the researcher surveys respondents over the telephone. Unlike email surveys, researchers collect data by conducting telephone interviews and punching the responses.

A telephone survey (CATI) is very similar to paper surveys, except that the researcher punches the gathered responses to a survey link on a computer. The researcher cannot alter or modify the research questions and must follow a script for the telephone survey.

How does a telephone survey work?

Telephone surveys are a planned and efficient method of gathering data via telephone interviews. Using computer software speeds up the process while ensuring accuracy, uniformity, and data integrity.

A telephone survey operates as follows:

Example of telephone surveys

For example, a salon wants to collect customer feedback and personalize the interview. Instead of sending out survey emails that most customers won't acknowledge, it chooses to conduct telephone interviews.

The salon can call every customer they have and have a meaningful discussion, especially stressing open-ended questions to gather maximum data.

Uses of telephone surveys

A telephone survey is widely used in survey research, especially for a phone survey. Using a computer-assisted method, researchers can quickly collect and organize data by putting answers from telephone respondents into a survey link on a computer.

Telephone surveys are helpful in a more casual setup, in cases where respondents may have a direct relationship with the surveying organization. They are also helpful in reaching out to survey respondents whose email ids you don't have.

Telephone surveys are a great way to conduct market research, where organizations want to learn about customer preferences, behaviors, and attitudes. Researchers can reach a large range of survey respondents by conducting telephone surveys, providing for a complete investigation of industry trends and customer views.

It is a quick way of collecting feedback, especially for a skilled researcher. As most people own telephones and telephone numbers are captured at almost every POS, telephone surveys are a cheap and functional alternative to email surveys.

Advantages of telephone surveys

While telephone surveys have numerous advantages, it is crucial to note that they differ from online surveys. A telephone survey is performed over the telephone rather than online. Here are the advantages of conducting telephone surveys:

Final Words

Telephone surveys are important in survey research and are especially useful for market research. They streamline data collecting and provide a cost-effective method of gathering significant insights from telephone calls using their computer-assisted technique.

Most telephone surveys provide a systematic and standardized approach to data collection, contributing to the research findings' accuracy and dependability.

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