Survey Templates B2B Surveys Climate Change Awareness Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Climate Change Awareness Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Climate change awareness survey questions is a questionnaire to understand public perception about climate change. You can use it to identify key factors, challenges, and barriers to environmental and climate-conscious behavior. It will also shed some light on the possible causes of weather change and the factors that influence the same. Use this sample survey template to understand how well the audience is aware of ‘Climate change’ or as some call it ‘Global warming’. Understanding audience opinion can help in formulating future environmental policies and saving the planet.

Climate change is a change in average weather conditions. It can be extreme weather, natural disasters, temperature rise, etc. During a recent study, a poll was conducted to understand climate change awareness. It was found that over 40% of the world population has never heard about climate change. However, climate change awareness has decreased over the last few years in some countries. It's not because people are not concerned anymore, it's just that there have been some other topics which have become more important. According to recent studies, only 41% of Americans think that people are being harmed by climate change today. New issues like the global financial crisis, terrorism, growing unemployment rates, new energy policy, etc have taken the pedestal. Due to such reasons, many ignored climate change.

Here's the questionnaire on climate change and the factors that influence climate-conscious behavior.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think climate change threatens your personal health and safety?
How likely are you to recommend a friend or a colleague to promote activities that will help reduce global warming?
0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Please state your level of agreement for the following statements regarding global warming/climate change.
Completely Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Completely Agree
It poses a serious threat for people around the world.
It poses a serious threat to you and your family.
It is caused by human activities.
Problems and its impact are underestimated in the news.
Climate change is happening right now.
I am ready to reduce my energy usage to tackle climate change
You understand what climate change means.
The global temperatures have changed compared to the previous decade.
On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate, which issues are of more concern in your opinion?
Climate change/global warming
Infectious diseases
Economic situation
In your opinion, do you think the temperature on earth has been rising over the past decade?
Are you aware of the global policies or initiatives taken by various organizations to reduce climate change/global warming?
Are you aware about the environmental policies in your country?
How would you describe your knowledge about the following and its effects?
Very broad
Quite broad
Moderately broad
Slightly broad
Not broad
Don't know at all
Greenhouse gases
Currents in the sea/ocean
Melting of ice or volcanic eruptions
El Niño
Overall, climate change
How much do you think the following has contributed to global climate change?
Don't know
Greenhouse gases
Land use and land cover
Melting of Ice or volcanic eruptions
El Niño or irregular warming of surface water
In your opinion, how important do you think the following issues are on a global scale?
Very Important
Fairly Important
Slightly Important
Not at all Important
Air pollution
Pollution of rivers and seas
Poor waste management (e.g. overuse of landfills)
Traffic/ congestion
Temperature rise or drop
The hole in the ozone layer
Using up the earth's resources
Extinction of species
Very Important
Fairly Important
Slightly Important
Not at all Important
Radioactive waste
On which of the following platforms, have you heard about Climate change?
What is the level of trust on information about climate change, if you were to receive it from the following?
A lot
A little
Not very much
Not at all
Family members
Government bodies
Energy suppliers
Environmental organizations
Media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc)
Please rank as per who do you think should have the main responsibility to tackle climate change?
Drag your choices here to rank them
    • Environmental organizations like Worldwide fund for nature
    • Individuals
    • Local government
    • The country’s government
    • Businesses and industries
    • International organizations like the UN
    Please state your level of agreement or disagreement for the following statements about climate change?
    Completely Disagree
    Somewhat Disagree
    Somewhat Agree
    Completely Agree
    Each one of us can reduce the effects of climate change
    It should be mandatory to reduce energy usage if it reduces climate change
    Climate change is bound to happen because of the current modern society
    Climate change is a natural phenomenon, we can't do anything about it
    The government should increase the incentives for people who try to reduce climate change
    I will promote a greener environment and participate in initiatives to reduce climate change
    Climate change is only because of the pollution from industries
    Recent global disasters are because of climate change
    The climate change topic is exaggerated by the media,in fact it is not that big of a deal
    There are more important matters than climate change
    Completely Disagree
    Somewhat Disagree
    Somewhat Agree
    Completely Agree
    Cutting down trees to build infrastructure is not a bad thing
    What is the reason because of which you would do the following activities?
    To create a good image
    To save money
    Walk or cycle to work
    Use less electricity
    Use public transport
    Buy more energy efficient devices
    Buy organic food
    Recycle waste
    Participate in environmental campaigns
    Plant more trees
    Do you think the following entities are taking initiatives to reduce climate change?
    To Some extent
    Corporation and industries
    Citizens themselves
    National government
    Regional government
    Environmental groups
    International organizations
    How old are you?
    Which country do you live in?
    What is your highest qualification?
    Which industry do you work in?
    Any Comments/Suggestions to increase the awareness about climate change?

    Top 3 Reasons To Use These Climate Change Awareness Template

    1. Evaluate people's awareness: Collect feedback from your audience and understand their awareness levels.

    2. Evaluate people's perception: Learn more about how respondents perceive climate change and their level of understanding of its severity.

    3. Evaluate the population's satisfaction with countermeasures: Gain insights into the respondent's satisfaction level with the climate control measures taken by the local government, civic bodies, environment protection bodies, etc.