Jamie Notter, noted author of the bestseller books, “When Millennials Take Over” and “Humanize” and the founding member of WorkXo and Vivek Bhaskaran, CEO of QuestionPro, discussed about how to map organizational culture using the eight key culture markers: agility, collaboration, growth etc. using the model of workplace genome, in the first part of the three part webinar on workplace culture.
In the second part of the three part webinar on workplace culture, culture management and measurement of workplace culture was discussed. Talking about taking culture to the next level, Jamie discussed culture management at length. He said that culture management should essentially be the mantra for organizations which seek constant growth.
A financial management company usually will never focus on workplace culture but what will define their success is culture management and measurement. He gave an example of a Non-profit organization where the eight building blocks of innovation were used to evaluate the behavior of the people working with them and how for an organizational culture to succeed, it’s highly important to not just move members in a particular path but to also make sure they stop, re-evaluate what’s done and clarify where exactly does their culture need to be.