Survey Design: Proven methodologies for surveys that work

Hosted On: Wednesday, September 28, 2016

About the Webinar

Powerful, sophisticated, and usable tools are essential to accomplishing business objectives and performing key tasks that contribute to an organization’s continued success. However, even with a robust tool, without a solid foundation in question design and best survey practices, the opportunities for critical insights become lost.

In this webinar we discuss:

Identifying the need - why do you want to run a survey

Collecting answers to your carefully crafted questions

How to design a good survey that does what you want

Turning goals into real survey questions

Turning resources into insightful data

About The Speakers

Anup Surendran
Anup Surendran
Vice President, Product
Anup has served fortune 500 companies for over 15 years, specializing in solutions and product architecture. Some his most notable clients, include: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Fairfax Financial Holdings, Canadian Pacific Railways, Dominion Resources, and Thales Group. For over five years, Anup has been heading up Product at QuestionPro. His mantra is to provide customer solutions that surprise and delight.
Greg Timpany
Greg Timpany
Senior Research Director, Global Knowledge
Greg is senior-level insights and analytics professional with a background in the nexus between the structured world of IT and the customer-centric domain of marketing. Greg possess specific skills in marketing research - primary and secondary, marketing applications of 'Big Data', marketing analytics and strategy development for both acquisition and customer retention.