Generate Test Responses
Online Survey tools provide amazing techniques of reporting, such as SPSS, TURF analysis, etc. These reports would be most helpful if there were ample data for analyzing. One of the challenges that most of the surveyors face is that there is no way to check how would the reporting look like before the actual collection of the data. And that is why you should use generate test responses.
Using QuestionPro’s brand new feature of Generate Test Responses, the users can see exactly how their responses will look like once the data is collected. You will be able to view all options under the reporting and data management section. Test responses, however, do not follow any branching logic set on the questions.
How to generate test responses?
To generate test responses, go to the Edit tab of the survey, and click on Tools.
Now, click on Test Responses
From the drop-down for Number of Test Responses, select the number of responses you wish to generate, and click on Start Test.
Test responses will be generated for the number you specified. You can view the reports and data management tabs for the updated responses and analyze your data accordingly.
Alternatively, you can also go to the response viewer under the Responses tab and click on Responses.
If my survey is live and I collect the data, would these test responses go away automatically?
After testing the responses, you can delete all the test responses, so that the live survey data does not get impacted. There are two ways of deleting the test responses.
1. Go to Analytics >> Manage Data >> Delete
Click on Clear All Test Responses >> Clear Responses.
You will be prompted with a confirmation screen. Clicking on Clear Responses will clear all the test responses permanently.
2. Go to Analytics >>Responses >> Select the response ids you wish to delete and click on Delete.
Create new surveys and test responses before distributing them to your respondents. Run different reports and test check your survey. Also, check our feature of WYSIWYG HTML editor for online surveys.