Yesterday, we announced our expansion into Latin America. We’re still pretty excited about growing in the LatAm market, working with customer insights and market research professionals there. We also promised in late February that one of the new features to be added to QuestionPro in March was going to be the global VISA virtual gift cards. Well, we’re happy to say – we’ve delivered.
Using Rewards
While there is some debate about whether adding rewards to a survey might bias the responses, there is no doubt that including a reward of some type to your survey will definitely increase the number of responses you are likely to obtain. We did our own mini-study of this with a survey we conducted a few months ago and were surprised to find that, when using the same budget for rewards, offering the chance to earn smaller value gift did better than offering fewer, larger-value gift cards. Both increased responses, but the survey offering the opportunity to earn one of 10, $5 gift cards fared better than the opportunity to earn 5, $10 gift cards.
So, bottom line: offering a reward increases your response rate.
Using Global Virtual VISA
We’ve had Starbucks gift cards, Tango gift cards, and Amazon.com gift cards, but we have now expanded the ability to provide more global respondents with rewards by integrating global virtual VISA gift cards. These gift cards can be fulfilled for any respondent anywhere in the world, and the steps to add one to your next survey are just as easy as they have been to add any of the other integrated reward options. Learn more by following the steps in our adding a global virtual VISA reward help file.
Let us know what else you’d like
We’re always interested in your feedback and would love to hear from you about what other new features you’d like us to add to QuestionPro. Leave us a note on our Ideascale page!