The internet may have flattened the world, but it hasn’t changed the complexities of cross-cultural research. As you’ll see in our upcoming webinar, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about cross cultural research. 
Join QuestionPro’s Director of Panel Management Keith Leeman and Founder of MRGA (Market Research Global Alliance) Eric Bell for this online event.
This webinar will address:
- Survey design strategies and methodology – including survey harmonization and standardization (linguistic and cultural).
- What to look for in an online panel – international norms for recruitment methodology, where are survey-takers recruited from, in what language, & more.
- Emerging trends in cross-cultural research.
If you’re conducting surveys in another country or multiple countries, regions or cultures, you don’t want to miss this webinar!
Avoid some of the missteps and explore the role of online surveys in a connected world.