So you’ve decided to use QuestionPro’s new Rewards feature in an effort to encourage responses for your survey. There’s just one problem standing in your way – with so many options available to reward your survey respondents,
Which one do you choose?
Should you go with small denomination gift cards, those with denomination, or choose something completely different? Let’s take a look at an experiment that was conducted by QuestionPro:
The experiment consisted of three different reward models. Respondents were given:
1. 3 chances of winning a $50 gift card
2. 1 chance of winning $150 gift card
3. Guaranteed $5 gift card, so long as they are one of the first 30 respondents to complete the survey
After distributing the survey and analyzing the results, here are the the stats:
1. 3 chances for a $50 gift card – 23% completion rate
2. 1 chance for a $150 gift card – 21% completion rate
3. First 30 for guaranteed $5 gift card – 39% completion rate
These results seem to indicate that, generally speaking, the greater chances of winning something, the greater the respondent completion rate, regardless of the reward size. Offering your respondents some kind of guaranteed prize is the best way to increase the response rate. In addition, be sure to implement best practices in your survey creation as well, such as keeping it simple, short and knowing the audience you’re targeting.