This week, we’re sponsoring a ridiculously powerful virtual program called Bizapalooza (July 16-18)- if you haven’t registered yet — there are replays available so you won’t miss a thing!
Our CEO, Erik Koto will be presenting TODAY at 7pm ET/4pm PT on how simply doing customer surveys can actually increase your sales! In fact, his advice in the presentation is to do the survey and then do NOTHING! I know – it sounds insane, but that’s what a Harvard Business Review study found.
Having said that — when was the last time you collected any customer feedback? It’s probably been a while and so if you are inspired to increase your sales and build customer loyalty, doing a simple survey (and then doing nothing else) might be a great idea – and one you can implement RIGHT NOW!
Let’s get started!
You’ll need a customer list.
Ideally, you’ll want to have a list of customers and their emails. It would be even better if you had your customers’ first names and a list of emails. And if you don’t have a customer list with first names and emails- you can also create a customer survey and send the link or QR code to your customers. If that’s going to be your option, then consider having an incentive such as a gift card or a drawing for something your customers would really want and then have them enter their name and email to be entered into the contest or to receive the prize.
Create your survey.
QuestionPro has a list of all kinds of ready to use customer surveys available that you can simply pull from a template.
Click on “Create a survey”
Select the “survey from template” option. There you will see a TON of surveys — any of them will do just fine.
Next, you’ll want to go into the template and customize the questions to match your company and your products and services.
Then – if you want to get really fancy — you can upload your logo or a cool banner –
See – that one isn’t very fancy — but it will do the trick.
Send out the survey
Now you are ready to send out that survey — QuestionPro gives you a TON of options to do that. But since we’re doing a customer survey, you’ll want to use the email option.
WAIT — You have to create an email list!
I forgot to mention that you’ll want to create an email list first — simply click on the “manage email list” option.
This is where you can upload your spreadsheet with customer names and emails.
Now you are ready to LAUNCH your survey!
It’s that easy – you are ready to launch your survey to your list. Now, if you haven’t done a lot of surveys with your customers, you may not get as many responses as you’d like — but don’t forget that there is the “send reminder” feature inside of QuestionPro — and you can simply remind them to take the survey.
The send reminder feature will send a reminder to the people who have NOT taken the survey yet — and simply clicking on the “Send reminder” button can increase your responses by as much as 100% — I’m not kidding. I’ve had it happen. In fact – click on that “send reminder” button about every other day for a week – and watch what happens. It’s AMAZING.
So there you have it — if you haven’t done a customer survey in a while – and you’re thinking sales are down – just do a survey and do nothing!