Customer Feedback: Your Fast Path to Profits!
Final preparations are underway as get ready to launch our new monthly webinar series on Google+.
Watching a Google+ Hangout on Air Online Event
- If you’d like to be in the audience for a Google+ Hangout on Air, here are the steps:
- Visit the event page and RSVP (ours is http://bit.ly/feedbackprofits)
- At the appointed time (an event can easily be added to your calendar), return to the event page
- Press the ‘Play’ button on the video toward the top of the page when you see it. Ours has the trailer video there until the Hangout on Air (often referred to as “HOA” or “#HOA”) begins. Basically, if you see a play head, press it. It’ll either be a teaser video or the actual live event.
And that’s it! You can also comment in the event stream while the event is rolling; we’ll be trolling the comments and highlighting questions et al throughout the event.
RSVP & attend here: http://bit.ly/feedbackprofits.
While much of the focus has been on the #SmallBiz community, the content is very applicable to businesses of all sizes. It’s just that many small businesses think that measuring customer feedback is out of reach because they don’t have the staff to dedicate to the program; and we plan to challenge that line of thinking through our #CustServ, #Feedback, #SmallBiz and #SocialMedia panelists.
And if you don’t know what the heck I’m doing with all the hashtags, you REALLY need to attend this event!
Here’s a guest post on Green Girl Media that has some more information on what to expect.
Also, we’ll be serving light refreshments after the event so please RSVP so we can get a headcount.
(Ok not really, it’s a virtual event. But seriously, RSVP.)
Thanks for reading!