The primary intention behind collecting data through online surveys is to gain insights into the experiences and preferences of your target audience. This is achieved by generating reports from the survey responses and make sense out of the raw data through graphs and charts.
At times, you want to dig deeper into data and know, how many respondents chose a specific answer option, completed the survey or view data within a certain date range.
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Data filters make this possible. They allow you to drill down data and focus on specific survey results. QuestionPro surveys let you create below data filters for the data segmentation and dashboard analysis.
- Question
- System variable
- Geolocation
- Email list code
- Device type
What’s new?
You can now apply data filters in real-time and export data from the Text Analysis dashboard.
You can also customize the look and feel of the report to suit your brand voice. The new UI offers better readability and has an aesthetic appeal.
QuestionPro offers below ways to analyze open-ended responses. These reports identify word patterns and themes and translate them into a visual and statistical representation that is easy to understand.
- Text report
- Data segmentation text report
- Search and Adhoc query
- Word cloud
- Text tagging and categorization
- Sentiment analysis
Without these reports, it would not be possible to analyze textual data on a large scale. You can categorize the open-ended text data based on respondent profile, custom variables, or responses.
Text report customization with data filters
- Go to QuestionPro Surveys. Click on the Analytics tab.
- Click on Text Report under the Text Analysis menu.
- To view the data filters and additional settings, click on the down arrow and expand the section.
You can apply the below settings to the text report dashboard.
- Filter Data: By default, the text dashboard shows all responses. You can add data filters to update the dashboard in real-time. You can also save frequently used data filters to access them directly.
- Title and Logo: You can update the title of the text report as well as add a description and logo to the dashboard.
- Customize Theme: Customize the theme of the dashboard to change the table color, fonts and more.
- Share Settings: Click on the globe icon to enable report sharing with others. You can also create a password-protected link and display the social network toolbar in the report.
Data segmentation
This tool lets you create data filters and apply them across many reports.
How to access data segmented text?
- Go to QuestionPro Surveys. Click on the Analytics tab.
- Click on Data Segmentation under the Analysis menu.
- Select ‘New Data Filter’ to create filters and click ‘Save Filter’.
- You can optionally apply the response status and add a time filter.
- Click on the three dots on the rights and select Text Report for the segmented view.
- You can download, print or email this text report.