Getting even your happiest clients to write a testimonial can be challenging especially if you are in the service industry. But these testimonials are critical for your business growth as these testimonials can play a key role in getting more clients to sign up with your businesses. They are a sign of your excellence in what you do and convinces other businesses of your work.
LEARN ABOUT: Testimonial Questions
Using existing client satisfaction to get more business
One of the best ways to get a client testimonial is by adding them to your feedback surveys. The trick here is, feedback is a humble approach – even if you know a client is happy, you are giving them an open platform to say what they feel. On the contrary, a testimonial can be a bit heavy handed. Because here you are approaching your client with the idea that “We know you are happy so might as well give it to us in writing”.
So how should you frame questions in survey, the answers to which can later be used as positive testimonials?
First, the survey most certainly has to be a feedback survey. In there you can either use a combination of multiple choice questions (MCQs) in combination with open-ended questions or simply 1-2 open ended questions asking about their overall experience with your product or service.
Using winning combinations
Do bear in mind that in cases of MCQs, these replies will have to be converted into a testimonial-type language. However the benefit of using MCQs is that it allows you to target the conversation around specifics of customer experience and capture very specific replies.
Open-ended questions are best used towards the end of the survey. They allow customers to add remarks of on their own accord and can be very insightful.
If you are a fan of micro-surveys, you can also send out multiple small surveys to get the bigger picture of client satisfaction.
Once the survey is completed, all you need to do is process the language of a positive feedback and your client testimonial is ready for use across your website, proposals, social media, newsletters and wherever you feel it can add value in achieving your target.