COVID-19 has become a part of your life, and we need to find ways to adapt to it so that things can at least start to become normal. Will things ever be like the way they were? Nobody knows. But we need to keep moving on ahead. While most of the conversations revolve around business and how they’ve suffered losses due to partial shutdowns, physical offices being shut, lay-offs, etc., we forget the students. They’ve had to adjust to the new environment, practice social distancing, not mingle in physical activities as they would’ve liked, and so on.
The good news is that schools are re-opening and the students can look forward to meeting their friends, playing with them, and studying with them. We must not forget; however, we still do not have a vaccine for the Coronavirus, and till the time we have one, we are not entirely safe. We need to keep the students safe and practice and implement all necessary precautions to ensure that.
Installing disinfectants, sanitizers at easy, accessible, and frequently crowded places is essential. You need to ensure that students don’t congregate, and if they do, it’s in large spaces and at least 6 feet apart. Several guidelines have been released regarding the dos and don’ts for schools and colleges, make sure all your staff, students, and parents and guardians are well aware of it.
To make the process of students rejoining slightly more comfortable for you, we’ve compiled a list of necessary questions you need to ask all your students now that they are coming back to school.
Vital health screen survey questions to ask students and educational institutions
The responsibility of students’ safety lies both with the school and the parents. The pandemic is spreading widely, and full disclosure and effective measures both sides to curb the spread. We’ve divided the questions into two essential perspectives: schools need to ask their students and questions that parents need to ask the schools for information and implement necessary measures.
Questions for students
1) Have you/your family observed any of the below symptoms in the past three weeks:
2) Sore throat, loss of taste, chills, body aches, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell, childhood trauma, fever at or more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
3) Have you undergone a test for Coronavirus/COVID-19?
4) Have you/your family been to or received treatment in a nursing home, hospital, or another healthcare facility in the past three weeks?
5) Have you or your household members been on a cruise ship in the past three weeks?
6) Is any of your family members an emergency responder or a health care provider?
7) Has any of your family members cared for anybody who is in quarantine or presumed positive/tested positive for the Coronavirus?
8) Do you believe you or any of your family members have been exposed to or acquired the Coronavirus?
9) Do you think you’ve been in close physical proximity to anybody that tested positive for the Coronavirus?
Questions for school
1) Are cases in the area low enough for schools to resume?
2) What’s the school policy on mask usage? How will the parents and students be made aware of it?
3) What precautions have been put in place for indoor choir, band, physical education, etc. for safety?
4) Will hand sanitizer dispensers and washing stations be placed throughout the school?
5) What protocols are in play to ensure social distancing in the school all day long?
6) How will students participate in sports, if allowed?
7) If the students or teachers are unable to come to school, how will remote work or learning continue on?
8) What training has been given to teachers to tackle symptoms and other COVID-19 related challenges?
9) What additional policies will come into play to curb the Coronavirus transmission risk?
10) Is the school considering installing physical barriers to ensure physical distancing?
11) What are the new transportation norms when school re-opens?
The safety of students is essential, and teachers and parents must coordinate well to ensure that. Working together will not only make things easy but also help curb the spread of the pandemic.