In 2014, we as a company embarked on a new mission and new problem to solve – how to dial into individual contributors workplace morale unobtrusively through employee engagement survey and workforce intelligence. We designed an ultra light messaging system which would collect and aggregate simple responses to measure the temperature of an organization.
Fast Forward to 2017 – our mission hasn’t changed. In fact, we’ve layered on a bunch of functionality for team members and team leaders. We added integrations with your favorite productivity tools and re-defined our dashboard to display data packed information including: response rates, average scores, and benchmarks to track vital statistics and reveal trends.
After all…
Which brings us to today – we are undergoing are biggest re-design yet! In the coming months we will release a completely refreshed sophisticated and yet delightful Workforce Pulse App.
Here is a brief preview of some of our newest features…
Single Click – Sign-on
With data spread across multiple platforms we decided to integrate with the biggest platforms in the biz Google, Microsoft and Slack. Now users are able to use Single Sign On to enter the Pulse app.
At a touch of a button – individuals can seamlessly enter their team’s Workforce Pulse and begin responding to daily or weekly single pulse questions.
Single Click – Feedback
Taking a survey is a cinch and takes mere seconds to complete. Automated push notification reminders ask team members to answer a simple question on how happy they’re feeling, selecting from a range of faces that look “Bad” to “Good.”
Taking our questions come in two flavors: 1) Scale 2) Open-ended. We encourage team members to provide as much feedback as they are comfortable to provide. We find the most meaningful and actionable feedback is provided when a team member leaves a note which explains their response to a scaled question.
Detailed Insights and Visual Reporting
Our mobile dashboards are where the magic happens – all of the team member’s feedback is aggregated and displayed on our intuitive dashboard. Team leaders can now monitor the participation and distribution of how team members responded to the pulse question directly from the Pulse app.
QuestionPro’s newly re-designed Pulse app is a real-time way to measure the temperature of an organization. We’ve made the app with team members at the forefront of our design – our intent was to create a tool which is easy to sign on and fun to respond and engage with. In order to foster a productive and aligned workforce, teams leaders will need utilize real-time tools to ensure they are navigating in the right direction. Our Pulse tool complements the rest of our tools offered in QuestionPro Workforce: 360s, IdeaBoard and Annual Surveys.
For more information or pricing inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Workforce Pulse – An app where employees can respond to Pulse questions at the convenience of their mobile device is available for download on both iOS and Android.