Less than five years ago, workplace culture was described in board games and innovative spaces. Thousands of articles were written about cool office spaces covering everything as nonessential as an open concept to a sleep pod in your cubicle. Talking about building a culture in Silicon Valley started to sound like a show on HGTV, talking design concepts instead of technical competencies.
Looking back, I think most of us realize just how much energy was wasted. This battle for the most artistic representation of culture had very little to do with culture at all. We know now that culture is established in people’s minds, ping-pong and pet at work policies be damned. Their behavior and motivation are the foundation, not your creatively named conference rooms and bagel Fridays.
Culture, like DNA, is unique from person to person and company to company. Understanding those differences can lead to powerful insights and actions. So that’s precisely what QuestionProand CompTIA, the world’s leading information technology association, set out to do for the tech industry.
After gathering survey responses from 1,400 tech professionals across verticals, roles, levels, and geographies, we amassed close to 100,000 data points on culture in the tech industry.
LEARN ABOUT: Work culture
The result is the first ever published Tech Industry Culture Archetype (“TICA”) which provides insight on:
- What behaviors make tech cultures unique as compared to other industries,
- What tech is noticeably lacking when it comes to culture,
- Also, what actions are likely to have the most significant impact on things like employee engagement, productivity, and growth for tech professionals.
To see the high-impact behaviors you can use to create organization culture in tech, you’ll need to download the report. However, remember, take a regular pulse. Focus on those behaviors. Don’t try to find out how good or bad you are as an organization. Just try to find out how much those desired behaviors are showing up. Are people experiencing the behaviors to the extent you want and need them to…and are they experiencing them in the right places?
And no, I don’t recommend that you build another creative cubicle for the experience.
LEARN ABOUT: Behavioral Competency
Conduct employee experience (EX) and work culture surveys using the QuestionPro Workforce platform. Gather employee data, analyze it, and make informed staff decisions.