What are psychology survey questions?
Psychology survey questions are survey questions asked to collect information about an individual to evaluate the mental state of the respondent. Such questions enable the researcher to categorize different behaviors, traits, and conditions. Such survey questions are used by a number of industries such as healthcare, corporates, recruitment firms, defense services and many more. Psychology survey questions are created and analyzed by psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, members of the judicial system and other psychology experts. Some examples of psychology surveys are anxiety surveys, Depression questionnaires, happiness surveys, personality surveys, quality of life survey, life attitudes survey, mental health surveys, couples surveys, health care survey, and many more.
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For example, a psychologist wants to understand the factors that may be the cause of a student’s depression problem. For such a situation the mental health professional can ask the patient to answer a depression survey for students which includes psychology questions that will enable them to understand the psyche of the patient and evaluate their behavior, traits, lifestyle, and other parameters that may have impacted the student’s mental state. The classroom response system allowed students to answer multiple-choice questions and engage in real-time discussions instantly. Such questions can be very helpful as it may sometimes shed light on patients who might even have suicidal tendencies. Using the responses from such questions can help the psychologist devise corrective actions for their patients.
Another instance where psychology surveys can be used is while conducting psychological studies. These personality surveys can help the researcher to collect data on the behavior, traits, attitudes, and lifestyle of a person. Using this data will enable the researcher to prove a psychological study that is based on the psyche of a person. For example, the color red and yellow is known to increase hunger in a person. In such a case, a psychology survey will help the researcher to collect the right information needed for their research and prove the hypothesis.
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Psychology survey questions for questionnaires
Following are a few psychology survey questions that can help you evaluate the behaviors, traits, and attitudes of your respondent. An important point to remember when conducting psychology surveys is that wording the questions appropriately to create an effective research design will help you get good response rates. Also, demographic questions are important in such surveys as they play a vital role in shaping the psyche of a person.
Demographic questions for psychology questionnaire
- Please state your gender?
- Male
- Female
- Other (Please specify)
- How old are you?
- Please state your ethnicity?
- In which country did you spend most of your life?
- What is the highest level of education you have completed?
- High school
- College
- Associate degree
- Bachelors degree
- Masters degree
- Doctorate
- Other (Please specify)
- What is your current employment status?
- Permanent full-time employment
- Non-permanent full-time employment
- Permanent part-time employment
- Non-permanent part-time employment
- Unemployed
- Retired
- Full-time student
- Part-time student
- Other (Please specify)
- What is your current relationship status?
- Single
- In a casual relationship
- In a serious, committed relationship
- Unmarried but cohabiting
- Married
- Widowed
- Divorced/separated
- Other (please specify)
- How many children do you have
- None
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 3+
Generic psychology survey questions for questionnaires
- On a scale of 1 to 7, 7 being the highest, how happy do you consider yourself?
- Compare to your colleagues or friends, do you consider yourself happier than most of them?
- Yes
- No
- How often do you feel lonely?
- Always
- Very often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- How often do you feel depressed?
- Always
- Very often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Please state your level of agreement for the following statements: (Completely agree, agree, neutral, disagree, completely disagree)
- I am content with the current state of my life
- Currently, I don’t need to worry about the finances in my life
- I am satisfied with my life
- I am happy with the relationships in my life
- I am happy with my professional life
- How often do you procrastinate about that status of your personal goals in life?
- Always
- Very often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Do you have any other concerns that you would like to mention?