In the compound and delayed branching logic we have two conditions i.e AND & OR. both provide us with the availability to apply the logic using different questions.
For example, we have a survey with 4 questions where the first and second question has 2 answer option:
Requirement 1: Is that I want to terminate the survey when in Q1 and Q2, the first option is selected if other than those options are selected then the next question in the survey will appear.
In this case, we will use the "AND" operator in the compound logic as shown in the screenshot:
Here, if the responses select the first option in Q1 and Q2 then the survey will be terminated and in any other combination, it will jump to the next question.
Test survey link:
Note: AND operator will only work if both conditions are fulfilled otherwise it will not.
Requirement 2: I want to terminate the survey if in Q1 or in Q2, the first option is selected if other than those options are selected then the next question in the survey will appear.
In this case, we will use the "OR" operator in the compound logic as shown in the screenshot:
Here, if the respondent selects the first option in any question i.e Q1 or Q2 then the survey will terminate, if other than the first option is selected in both the questions then only it will jump to the next question.
Test survey link:
Note: OR operator will work if any one condition is fulfilled.