We can achieve it with the below steps:
Step 1: On the last question of the survey go to logic >> use the skip logic and set the default branching as Thank you page. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/lZr5xARl6ADi
Step 2: After the last question add a presentation text with the relevant text and a select many question with the same answer options for those selecting the option for which the quota is full.Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/2ZKDRCd13UnL
Step 3: Go to select many question >>Make the answer option default selected Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/0yq917ZvEege
>> Hide the answer option based on the question on which we set the quota. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/COJO6yAOUke6
Helpfile: https://www.questionpro.com/help/show-hide-answer-options.html
>> Use the skip logic to terminate.Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/YI_RPaJqXaCL
>> Go to Question settings and hide the question. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Ymh_r6nZ97-1
Step 4: Go to the source question, apply the quota, and set the branching to Presentation text.
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Y0_W6deP-vK5
Step 5: Go to settings >> Notification >> Set new notification >> Set the criteria as if the options from the hidden question are selected >> Add the subject and email body >> Save changes.Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/7MESB1WkhOxY